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Member Profile: Sherri Ornelas

Wewant to spotlight Sister Sherri Ornelas, who has been a dedicated employee
at California Waste Solutions for nearly twenty-five years. Sister Ornelas
began her career in 1999 with Waste Management as a Customer Service
Representative. In 2002, she took a pivotal role in partnering with Local 350
to organize the Customer Service Department.

her time at NorCal Waste and California Waste Solutions, Sherri has been an
advocate for Local 350, supporting the needs of her colleagues.

2002 to 2015, Sherri served as the Shop Steward, ensuring her colleagues had a
voice in contract negotiations and representation between California Waste
Solutions and Local 350 members.

as she celebrates her 25th work anniversary at California Waste Solutions,
Sherri has once again been named Shop Steward, continuing her mission to
advocate for the Customer Service team.

thank Sister Sherri Ornelas for her years of service, her dedication to her
community, and for being a loyal advocate for the members of Local 350.